Adolescent Psychology and Psychological Issues

By | May 21, 2009

Adolescence stage is very important stage to every one because it is the transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood, represents the period of time during which a person experiences a variety of biological changes and encounters a number of emotional issues. The adolescence covers the period of life between 10 and 20 years of age. Adolescence is often divided by psychologists into three distinct phases: early, mid and late adolescence. In this age they face many Psychological issues.

Adolescent Psychological issues: Early adolescence is a stage at which the peer group becomes increasingly important, with orthodoxy to peers peaking at 11-13 years. 90% of adolescents recognize themselves with a peer group. According to Judith Rich Harris’s theory of group socialization, children and adolescents are shaped more by their peers than their parents. Peers can encourage both pro-social behavior, which peaks at 11-12 years, and anti-social behavior, which peaks at 14-15 years. Adolescents are less likely to feel depressed or nervous if the peer group provides emotional support. The main problem adolescents facing is unique identity because at this age, role models such as sport players or movie artists are very popular, and adolescents often express a desire to be like their chosen role model. In this age they may be and adolescents often express a desire to be like their chosen role model.

Although most adolescents are psychologically healthy, they can exhibit signs of mental illness. Late adolescence and early adulthood are peak years for the onset of schizophrenia. Mood disorders such as clinical depression and bipolar disorder can initially show in adolescence. Girls aged between 15 and 19 make up 40% of anorexia nervosa cases.

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