How Automation is Used in the Retail Industry for Security Purpose

By | July 30, 2010

In order to achieve the fruitful benefits, one has to be careful while using the wireless technology. Because sometimes security will be jeopardized using this automation techniques.

The expectations of the customers and the needs of the customers are pressuring the retailers to use the advanced technologies. But one has to be careful in modernizing the retail industry. In order to decrease the price of the product one has to follow the present automation tools. Some of them are using the internet based automation techniques for keeping track of the advancements.

Some of the automation techniques which are being used are the RFID, bar-coding, internet technologies. All these provide the results accurately. But, the main problem which is associated with all the technologies is the security problem. One has to keep track about the security measures always.

Security measures like firewall protection, antivirus protection all are to be maintained before thinking about using the advancements in the technology. Web filtering is also used for security of the system.

Good security measures are to be followed like sound policy, education and unified threat management (UTM) for making any retail system work efficiently without any security attacks.

So, always go for the well designed secure policy which uses all the measures and will enhance a tight security to the retail system

Different thefts are being associated with the technology advancements like identity thefts, fraud thefts etc. When compared to the traditional robbery these thefts are even more.

These are some of the measures which are used for security purpose like

  • Maintain firewall to protect the cards.
  • Assign unique IDs for one customer.
  • Regularly track the security systems.