Drug Abuse and Addiction

By | July 21, 2010

Drug is any substance, when the body of living organism absorbsthe drug then it change the normal function of body. A drug means a chemical substance which is used in the cure, treatments, prevention or disease or diagnosis to increase the mental or physical well being in Pharmacology. Generally for limited duration these are prescribed.

Drug abuse is overuse or misuse of drug or any medication including alcohol. Drug-abuse is a serious public health problem and in some way every community and family are effected by this. 40 million serious illnesses or injuries among people because of drug-abuse every year in the United States. Abused drugs are: Anabolic steroids, amphetamines, club drugs, cocaine, heroin, inhalants, marijuana, prescription drugs.

Drug-abuse is involved in many problems like violence, drugged driving, stress, and child abuse. It may lead some more problems like crime, homelessness, problems with keeping a job or missed work. Though there are treatments for drug abuse, but best one is preventing drug-abuse.

Drug addiction:
Addiction means tendency to use drug excessively. Addicted people can have negative consequences on face, overwhelming and uncontrollable need for alcohol or drugs. The person who is addicted to drugs can face some changes in brain regarding control behavior, exercise good judgment, ability to think. Ability of body to release some chemicals is reduced because drugs replace these chemicals. The drugs are used by body like a substitute for it’s natural chemicals of own.

People should be aware of drugs, drug addiction will create negative effect on body and brain of user, so people should be far from these drugs.