With the increase of multi-national companies, businesses are being distributed among diverse societies. As every society is made up of their own languages, there arises a big problem of communication between the businesses and the target audience. To remove language barriers and to facilitate business related communication with the audiences, translation becomes the effective tool. Translation plays a very important role in web site localization. Website localization is incomplete without the usage of translation. As English is considered to be the universal language of communication, many websites are designed accordingly. But with the need of internationalization of business, many websites are now feeling the difficulty of reaching out to the audience who are native speakers or non-English speakers. Hence, here arises the need for translation, where all the content is the website is translated in to the local language of target audience, in order to increase traffic for the website.
For the purpose of translation a good translator is required. As translation is not an easy job, various factors have to be considered while deciding on the candidate to perform the job. Here are some tips on how to select a good website translator:
For a website which concentrates on the quality of the translation, should hire a translator who has in depth knowledge on the subject of translation and also the language in to which he is translating in to.
It would be wise to select a translator, who belongs to the native country of the language, in to which he is translating. As translating of a content is not just restricted to words, it also means a way of making it look and feel natural, specially going by the culture. This helps in visitor to relate with the content.
The translator should be checked if he is aware of the regional dialects or variants of the language, as in many languages like German, French, Chinese, addition of a single extra mark would entirely change the meaning of the content.
It is highly recommended to choose a translator with good legal knowledge, for the purpose of translating various legal documents, as they are required by court to be approved as certified translation.
Keeping all the above points in mind, a good translator can be selected for a website.