Public Liability Insurance for Rental Property

By | February 14, 2011

The rental insurance policy will protect a business or a person from the injuries caused or damage occurred to the third party’s property and also protects business or person from huge financial losses that may come in the form of claims and law suits.

A person who is renting a home will be held responsible for the losses and damages occurred to his personal belongings and also for the damages done to the rental property. The person had to buy his own coverage although the landlord has standard renters insurance, because landlord will have the policy that covers only the actual building not the renters personal belongings.

If a visitor who visits to your property becomes injured then public liability insurance coverage will cover the accidental injuries together with health bills, lawsuits, legal costs, and related damages. Hence it is advised to take a public liability insurance in combination with rental insurance policy.

Moreover, the liability clause in a rental property insurance policy can pay for the costs of defending personal injury lawsuits and lawyer’s bills. The other use of the rental liability insurance is it protects the financial assets at risk viz., shares of stock & bonds, cash in checking and savings accounts, valuable coin collections when an accident occurs in the premises of the rental property.

There are two types of insurance coverages which are necessary for a renter to own, they are – liability and a standard policy.

It is very useful for a business or person who is renting to compare the prices offered for the liability coverage among the different providers and getting the cheapest policy for the required circumstances.