Know the Symptoms of Dry Drunk Syndrome

By | November 25, 2011

It is a great idea to avoid drinking alcohol. However, people who quit alcohol may often suffer from an issue called dry drunk syndrome. It is a condition where an alcoholic addict retains the mental and behavioral traits which are linked with drunkenness though he or she stops drinking. It includes certain specific symptoms and some of them are given here.

  • The dry drunk individuals have a low tolerance for stress. They often get upset even for petty issues and also make inappropriate decisions. They may also often get angry and disrupt their relationships which can complicate the recovery process.
  • They suffer from loneliness and always try to stay away from friends and family members.
  • They also lack interest in any sort of activities to fill their time. They try to make minimum effort to build a life in recovery.
  • Dry drunk persons fail to control the need for instant gratification and this initiates impulsive feelings and acts. This makes them to ignore the implications of their decisions.
  • The individuals also engage in unhealthy and unethical behavior.
  • One of the main problems of a dry drunk is the denial of the habit and the person always try to get away from recovery.
  • They tend to be over-confident and full of pride. They do not wish to take help from other people.

Apart from these, they are also associated with some other behavioral problems like abrupt shift from depression to euphoria, inability to express natural emotions, evidence of distraction, detachment from reality and so on. However, it is very much necessary to overcome these things to recover fully from alcohol addiction.