Does a Business Requires Equipment Breakdown Insurance?

By | December 30, 2011

Any type of equipment breakdown can make your business fail to some extent and damage your bottom line. The loss against this risk can be minimized by insuring your business with equipment breakdown insurance. This type of insurance pays for financial loss incurred when an equipment breaks down suddenly and accidentally. Here, the equipment may subject to uncertain hazards such as power surges or voltage spike, short circuits and mechanical breakdown. Thus, equipment breakdown insurance covers equipment accidents.

If your business organization owns, operates or depends on some type of equipment to generate revenue, you need equipment breakdown insurance. This type of insurance is useful for many businesses which uses electricity, for those who depend upon telecommunication equipment to provide service to the customers, for those who use equipment to sell, deliver service or help you keep track of sales, for those who manufacture or process goods using equipments, etc.

Moreover, business property insurance covers many standard disasters such as fire, floods, etc but it is not designed to pay for the equipment accidents from the unique cause of equipment. It is necessary to include equipment breakdown insurance to your business insurance for protecting your equipments like electrical systems, air conditioning and refrigeration, computers, tele-communications, mechanical equipment, security and fire detection systems, diagnostic equipment, inventory control systems, hot water heaters, etc.

In this technology based business operations, critical business information are often stored in the internet or in online databases, which cannot be accessed when an equipment breaks down. So, do not let your business slowdown every time your equipment breaks down. Ensure that in case of your equipment breaks down, your company will not have to suffer from income or information loss by having the equipment breakdown insurance.