Today, people are using the Internet to visit websites they like. Even people who do not know how to operate a computer are familiar with the word website. In the websites there are so many types. Some of the most popular type of the websites are as follows:
- Personal websites: Some of the internet providers and some websites will offer some space to maintain the data in their server. Generally these are started with their own server name and followed by the user name or the name given for registration. Mostly these are using to share the family photos, the teenagers data and photos, online diary etc. These are not search engine friendly websites.
- Business websites: Business websites are professionally managed websites. Business websites contain information about the company, information about the businesses of the company, product details, promotion of the business etc.
In case of small business, websites is built and managed by a single person or an outside service provider, who have taken the site for outsource. In case of big companies, the websites are managed by dedicated teams.
- Blogs: Blogs are the flexible to share the information and thoughts without any restriction. The people can write anything based on their interest in the blogs at anytime just by login into their blog. In recent years, many big and small companies are also writing blogs to interact with the customers. Some large companies are using blogs to communicate the ideas across the organization.
- Mobile websites: Mobile websites are optimized version of websites for mobile phones. Some of these websites start with letter ‘m’ instead of ‘www’. For example
- Informative and education: These websites are maintaining for information to read and educate the public. Most popular website is Wikipedia.
- Search engine: There is no need to explain about the search engine websites. These are looks like websites but little different from them. Search engine websites will search the web for the queries. The best example is Google.
- E-commerce websites: E-commerce websites are used to sell the products through the internet. These websites display the product features,
price, availability and other information. There are so many websites at present running by small and large businesses around the world. Example for the e-commerce website is amazon.
- Social networking websites: Social networking websites are very popular websites. These are helpful to connect people in a single platform from different places. Today these these networking websites have become important for marketing the business products of different companies. Example is Facebook.
These are some major types of websites based on the usage. Each one have its own unique features and unique purpose. Websites are become the primary sources to know the information because of its flexibility and the technology enable them to get in hand.