How is language, communication and speech different from each other? Are they same? Is there any difference? Yes, there is a difference between the three, but they have something in common that connects them to one another. Language involves what we speak, write, read, understand and to communicate ideas. Communication refers to conveying a message, and speech refers to the sounds that make up words and sentences.
To know more about the differences between language, communication and speech, read the article.
Language is using words or phrases and forming sentences to communicate with people. It is a form of communication which can be in the form of speaking or writing or an non-verbal method of communication. Different countries will have different language which resembles their culture and tradition.
It is designed in the way that it is having the clarity and specificity. Language will also be in the form of gestures through which some people will communicate especially who can’t speak. Language and communication are related to one another and they can’t be separated. Language is a combination of syntax, semantics, phonetics, pragmatics, etc. This finally relates to communication.
Communication is exchange of information between the people through speaking, writing or with the help of some other medium. If you are perfect in language you can communicate easily. For communicating you don’t need a speech just language is enough. Communication is a source of language. Communication is used in many different ways by the people. It is possible through messages, calls, etc. It also includes non-verbal acts such as gestures, expressions, pictures, etc. To be a best communicator you must have grip and command on the language you are speaking or writing. Then it will be easy for the people to understand your view and what you are trying to convey them.
The major difference between communication and language is seen in sense of the language used. Language is used for exchanging information were as communication goes beyond the language like signs, gestures, as stated.
It is the oral or verbal form of communicating with people. It also refers to sounds that come from mouth in the form of words. It includes voice, articulation and fluency. These are stated under. The process of speech is complicated when studying the sequence and scope.
Articulation deals with how sounds of the speech are made when a person is speaking and for this voice is important. Voice is nothing but, using breathing and vocal folds in producing sound. Speech should have the rhythm or flow which comes with fluency.