Zoom power whitening is a process of bleaching the dis-colored enamel and dentin. This treatment is mostly used for the complete makeover of the teeth.
Reasons for zoom power whitening:
The major reasons for the treatment are:
- Dis-coloration of teeth due to eating and drinking habits
- Smoking is one more factor that leads to zoom power whitening
- Aging may also cause the teeth dis-coloration
- Chewing of tobacco
- Anti-biotics and excessive usage of fluoride may cause tooth dis-coloration
- Consumption of alcohol also leads to zoom power whitening
How zoom power whitening is performed?
Zoom power whitening can be done in only one visit and it takes only couple of hours to complete the treatment. It is simple method. Dentist first covers gums and lips leaving the teeth. Now, zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel is applied along with the zoom light. This will penetrate through the teeth and removes stains and dis-coloration. After zoom light is activated the gel remains their for 15 minutes. At last fluoride paste-gel is applied for teeth. It is less sensitive method than other teeth whitening methods and it is also a painless treatment.
This treatment is completely safe and efficient but their would be a chance of minor problems like irritation and sensitivity but only 25% which is avoided by post treatment. This treatment is not recommended for the children under the age of 13 years, pregnancy and lactating women.
Differences between home whitening and zoom power whitening:
With the traditional home whitening techniques it takes weeks and months to whiten your teeth but with this treatment you can have fast results. It is proven to whiten your teeth to have eight shades in an hour. And with the home whitening treatment it is your responsibility to take a good care of your teeth to get whiten and if proper care is not taken home whitening will not have good affect on your teeth.
This treatment lasts long than other whitening treatments because they survive upon the proper care but this will have instant affect on your teeth. Along with zoom power top-up rays are available to keep your teeth white.
Studies say that zoom power advanced cosmetic dentistry treatment would be better as it has more benefits than other traditional whitening approaches and it is safer and long lasting.