Traditional dentistry deals with oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and treating oral diseases, while cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of person’s smile, mouth and teeth.
Technological advancements made cosmetic dental treatments more predictable and durable than in past years.
Cosmetic dentistry treatments usually includes:
Composite bonding: It helps to repair or correct the appearance of broken, chipped, decayed or discolored teeth.
- Composite material with a look of dentin and enamel is applied on to the surface or cavity of the tooth and then sculpted in to its shape, then contoured and hardened with high intensity light.
- Composite bonding results in restoration that blends with the surrounding tooth structure and the rest of natural teeth thus creating a healthy and bright smile.
Inlays/ On-lays: They are also known as indirect fillings that are made from composite materials or porcelain which are durable and lasts long to provide a way for filling teeth with any structural damage or tooth decay.
Teeth whitening: It is a common dentistry procedure often done with teeth which are stained from food and drinks, smoking and poor oral hygiene habits.
Bleaching your teeth enhances the appearance of your smile.
Smile makeover: This treatment involves the assessment of smile esthetics for improving its overall appearance.
- Requirement for other dental procedures such as dental implants, teeth whitening, dental veener’s for both the upper and lower jaw teeth is recommended in order to achieve the look you want.
Dental implants: These are artificial tooth replacements that are used as a part prosthetic dentistry to compensate tooth loss.
Dental veeners: Laminates made of porcelain or composite materials are made adhesive and bonded to the surface of tooth that needs to be repaired for cracks and chips. Dental veener’s improves severe discoloration and worn appearance of tooth.
Dental crowns: These are referred to as caps which are custom made to fit your entire tooth.
- They are usually made of porcelain or acrylic fused to metal for withstanding the pressure caused by biting.
- Crowns can be used to treat tooth that are decayed, poorly shaped, chipped or broken and have had fillings to cover spaces between teeth.
This information may help you in learning about the different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures.