Car Brakes – Tips and Suggestions for Proper Maintenance

By | January 22, 2020

There is absolutely no hesitation to state that the braking system of a car is among the pivotal elements of the vehicle, if not the most important one. When you leave home in your car, whether or not you and your co-passengers return safely is heavily reliant on the braking system. If it is working properly, the corresponding risk is obviously very low and vice-versa. This throws light on why it is so pivotal to consistently keep the brakes in good condition.

The article endeavors to share crucial tips regarding the correct maintenance of car brakes.

  • When we are speaking of the braking system, the first mention needs to be made of the brake fluid. It’s this fluid that ensures that the brake system’s pressure is always at the ideal level. In fact, the brake fluid has to get replaced as per the frequency specified by the user manual.
  • The generation of pressure necessary for pushing the brake fluid through the entire braking system is a very significant function. And, the master cylinder of your automobile takes care of that. You’re necessitated to regularly check the cylinder and the moment you notice even a minor defect, there’s just one option: instantly replace it.
  • The rotors and brake pads denote as being the precise area where the tires and braking system make contact with each other. The resultant friction deteriorates brake pads with the passage of time and in this context, the writing is on the wall. You should not delay even a little when the time comes for replacement of pads/rotors.
  • When delving on the topic of a car braking system, there needs to be a special focus also on aptly maintaining the brake line. Of course, if you regularly go for new brake fluid, the brake lines would automatically have a good life. Yet, it’ll help you to periodically confirm whether or not the lines are in working condition.
  • You are advised to understand that just replacing brake pads, brake discs and fluid is not sufficient. The mechanic needs to carry out a process called “discharge” in the braking system. This is paramount to make sure that you leave no margin for error, in the right working of the braking system.
  • No doubt, brake pads of reliable brands are sold with the promise that they have a lengthy life. But in this regard, the key aspect is that the promise is based on standard test conditions and not the real-life scenarios. When you drive a lot amidst heavy traffic and on improper roads, the pads deteriorate much before the expected time. Hence, make it a point to test pads, on a regular basis.

Apart from the aforesaid points, it must be stated that there are several parameters that are responsible for the weakening of the braking mechanism. Let’s have a look at a few of those:

  • Frequently making the car carry excess weight
  • Driving in rainy weather often
  • Vigorously braking/using the brakes more than what is needed

Those are the main details pertaining to the good maintenance of car brakes. Just abide by these guidelines and drive sensibly and the braking system will never let you down.