Now a days Carpets have become an essential part of our home décor. Since their pricing is varying and has decreased consistently they are available even to the common man. However eco friendly commodities are the latest trend in the present generation. Many manufactures are trying to make their product using the by products available naturally. This trend did reach the carpet industry also. Some carpet manufacturers came with an idea of producing eco friendly carpets.
For making Eco friendly carpets they selected a new natural product which is nothing but the corn. Yes, using the corn which is the major crop in so many states they decided to make a carpet. And the process involved in corn carpet making involves the following steps.
- Manufacturers of corn carpets get the required corn from the farmers who are harvesting corn crops.
- They ground the corn in to paste and cook it to get starch out of it.
- The starch then will be converted in to sugar.
- Again the sugars are converted in to plastic.
- That plastic is made in to fibers which are as thin as human hair.
- Finally those fibers are spun in to carpet yarn.
- Using that yarn carpets will be weaved.
Even though we have natural fibers like cotton and wool used for weaving the carpet, these days the carpets are made using the artificial fibers which are not at all helpful and in turn cause some damage to the environment. So in such cases it is better to use these kind of corn carpets which are friendly to the environment and are also available in different colors and patterns like the normal ones.
Corn carpets do have stain resistant capabilities, bio degradable in land fills and also reduce carbon dioxide emission in to the environment. They are easily recyclable and are more helpful for the atmosphere.