Using Different Types of Drug Tests to Find the THC Presence in Body

By | December 17, 2010

Marijuana is one of the commonly abused illegal drugs. THC is the main ingredient in the Marijuana, which can create many adverse effects on the brain and body. It can stay for many days in the body. Presence of the THC in the body can be detected by using THC drug test. THC drug testing can be conducted by using different tests, such as:

Urine Test: Using urine sample for detection of THC in human body is very common. Urine tests are very popular because of the cost-effectiveness, and their ability to provide results in minutes. THC can be detected in abusers urine between 1 to 6 days. However, if the person is a chronic user, it can be detected in urine for 30 days.

Blood test: THC can be detected using a blood sample of the suspect. Generally this test is conducted in case of road accidents, autopsy to check for intoxication, which can be caused by having drugs or alcohol. THC can be detected in the blood and it’s metabolites, if the person takes the drug. Within the few hours of taking Marijuana, the positive result in the test can be obtained. In the case of regular users, then test can give the positive results, even after one or two days.

Saliva drug test: This is other type of test, which is less expensive and more convenient than other types of drug tests. Here saliva is the specimen in this test. One can get quick and accurate results using this test. It can detect the THC ingredient in the body. THC can be detected after 12 to 24 hours of taking marijuana.

Hair test: After taking Marijuana, THC reaches hair through the blood vessels in the scalp. And it gets deposited within the hair shafts, so THC can be detected by hair drug test. It can be detected even after one month of having marijuana using this test.