Across Languages Translation and Interpretation Service are using for eliminate language barriers to communication between people of diverse languages and cultures. Communication across language barriers is effective, giving all people equal opportunity to access and participate in societal processes, services, and institutions. In the 1980’s Across Languages was a revolutionary concept of those who recognized that London had become a culturally and linguistically rich and diverse community, but service providers, decision makers and their patients/clients could not communicate accurately and confidentially with each other through effectively managed, qualified interpreters. The main vision was for trained, paid professional interpreters available in the community and organized by a single non-profit agency.
Fees from the organizations and institutions using the service would sustain the interpreting agency. This goal was realized when Across Languages was founded in 1989. In 1996, the agency added translation to its suite of services and in 2001, interpreter language and skills testing development and assessment services. In 2005, Across Languages was awarded the contract to develop Ontario’s new, standardized interpreter training program for Ontario Colleges. Today, Across Languages provides interpreters for area hospitals, the City of London, the Children’s Aid Society, the London Middlesex Health Unit, several provincial government ministries, Designated Assessment Centers, lawyers, schools, counselors and therapists, family doctors, police, provincial courts, community agencies serving refugees and immigrants, as well as many other organizations in London and across South western Ontario and beyond.
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